All posts tagged SaintPatricksDay

During Christmas I made a Vintage Christmas Bulb Wreath and loved it so much that I thought why not keep going for all different holidays and times of the year. I had a great time making this one for Valentines Day and so I thought hey since I still have more bulbs around why not create a vintage bulb wreath for St. Patrick’s Day. I ended up getting this garland covered four leaf clover at Micheal’s for only five bucks. Then I used left over green and gold bulbs to cover it. Love and Luck O’ The Irish!!



We wanted to bake for Saint Patrick’s Day and the short one was asking about the history of Leprechauns and after sharing with her she said “oh so they are sort of like fairies then?” Yes, I guess they sort of are. So for Saint Patrick’s Day we made a green fairy cake. You can’t see the actual fairies, only their clothes because you know they are invisible after all and the idea is to try to catch them.

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